Amal totkay .

Zaid Iftakhar
6 min readDec 25, 2020

Fixed Mindset and Go For Growth.

lets say you fell like you’re not getting ahead at work, fixed mindset says the situations is the way it is ,and it will never change no matter what you do ,A growth mindset says you can create change if you work hard ,adapt to feedback and implement strategies for personal development .It goes with out saying witch type of people go further in their careers .It comes down to the difference between limiting and empowering beliefs.

If you believe your growth is confined to its current state indefinitely, you’re unlikely to develop. But if you start to believe in your capacity to achieve greatness, you’ll find that everything in your life will follow suit.

Self talk .

Self-talk is your internal dialogue. It’s influenced by your subconscious mind, and it reveals your thoughts, beliefs, questions, and ideas. Self-talk can be both negative and positive. It can be encouraging, and it can be distressing. Much of your self-talk depends on your personality.

positive self talk makes you feel good about your self and the things that are going on in your life. it’s like having an optimistic voice in your head that always looks on the bright side ..

Negative self talk tends to make people pretty miserable and can even impact on their recovery from mental health difficulties.

Change your mind set change your life .it sound so easy, Hence many of us tell ourselves its to late to change careers or that we don't have enough time to learn something new . Live with these limiting beliefs our self we believe we can’t so we don’t . IF we instead lived in terms of ‘i can ‘ and ‘I will ,suppose what you could achieve. I believe our thoughts have incredible power over our everyday lives, and that our mood and behavior are a reflection of how we think.

Get out of your comfort zone .


We know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Yet that is exactly what some people do in their everyday lives, making themselves feel stuck and unhappy. Implementing something new that makes us uncomfortable (like picking up a new hobby or making a new friend) will help us build our inner strength.


Confidence is not something we are born with. It’s a skill we can build by setting goals, achieving those goals, and setting more goals to pursue. In order to develop confidence, we need to face our fears and take a risk.


The more time we stay inside of our comfort zones, the scarier new territory will appear to us. But the world is changing rapidly, and those who fear change risk getting left behind. For people who are already pushing their comfort zone, change will not appear as frightening.


There is nothing worse for our creativity than never straying from the path of what is tried and true. The longer we are unwilling to entertain new thoughts, ideas, and ways of going deeper, the more we slip into a rut.


Those who never venture far will never know what might have been if they had tried to do things beyond what they initially felt they could manage. All successful people have taken risks, failed, picked themselves up, and risked again until they figured it out.

create new habits .

Good habits make all the difference in life. When you’ve created good habits you do the right things, without even having to think about it. That is, you put the behavior that will allow you to achieve your goals.

Do it For Yourself, Don’t worry about all the things you “should” have as habits. Instead tool your habits towards your goals and the things that motivate you. Weak guilt and empty resolutions aren’t enough..

. Stay Consistent ,The more consistent your habit the easier it will be to stick. If you want to start exercising, try going at the same time, to the same place for your thirty days. When cues like time of day, place and circumstances are the same in each case it is easier to stick.

. Remind Yourself ,Around two weeks into your commitment it can be easy to forget. Place reminders to execute your habit each day or you might miss a few days. If you miss time it defeats the purpose of setting a habit to begin with.

ask people help.

Don't be afraid to fall, don't be afraid to ask someone for help or tips. you get to need meet new people that way and everyone generally really cool about helping .

why asking help it will help you in strong growth mind.

fake it till you make it.

Fake it till you make it.” It means that you shouldn’t just act confident in your abilities until you achieve success means you should act confident until you actually are confident.

“Fake it, Till you make it” an English aphorism which suggests that by imitating confidence, competence, and an optimistic mindset, a person can realize those qualities in their real life.

If you have a deep desire to change or improve something about yourself and you fake that behavior with conviction in order to get there, then eventually the power of habit will kick in. Just believe fully in yourself, your ability to change and the reason you’re doing it in the first place. As Sophie Kinsella said, ‘If I behave as though this is a completely normal situation, then maybe it will be…



  1. These tips are very helpful and i get it all very well. It provides me to explore the things in a better way.
  2. These tips help us to improve ourselves as well growth mindset.
  3. Fake it, till you make it.
  4. I will implement all of these tips in my life.
  5. We have to follow these tips for beginning of growth mindset and working on it consistency.

